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Evidencia que demanda un veredicto (Evidence That Demands a Verdict)

Original price was: $44.99.Current price is: $33.75.

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Esta obra provee a los cristianos con los hechos y las herramientas necesarios para defender su fe en un mundo cada vez más ambivalente, secularizado y escéptico. Esta edición ampliada y revisada del clásico de apologética de Josh McDowell tiene en cuenta los descubrimientos arqueológicos y los avances tecnológicos de los cuarenta años transcurridos desde que se publicó por primera vez el libro. EDICIÓN COMPLETAMENTE REVISADA Y ACTUALIZADA.

Named by Christianity Today as one of the top 50 books that have shaped evangelicals, the original Evidence That Demands a Verdict was a classic defense of the Christian faith. Josh McDowell gave Christian readers the answers they needed to defend the trustworthiness of the Bible, its teachings, and the core truths of Christianity against the harshest critics of that time.  Over the years this extensive volume has encouraged and strengthened millions.

Now, with his son Sean McDowell, Josh has updated and expanded this classic resource. Featuring thorough revisions, updates, and all-new chapters, you’ll have a powerful go-to guide for answering even the toughest questions posed by today’s postmodern culture.

Features include:

  • Thoroughly revised and updated from the previous edition
  • All-new chapters defending against the latest attacks from Christianity’s critics
  • Offers thoughtful responses to the Bible’s most difficult and extraordinary passages
  • Expansive defense of Christianity’s core truths, including the resurrection of Jesus Christ

View sample pages-English What’s New? WATCH VIDEO


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Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 9.25 × 6.25 × 2 in
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