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The Resolution Video Series & Guides (Individual User)



*Note: this is a digital product for use by one individual only. Upon purchase, a confirmation email will be sent containing an Access Code and link giving you access to the streamable and downloadable six video sessions and Guides. This code will also be listed on your Order Complete page after checkout.

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Get the tools to overcome loneliness, anxiety, depression, porn use, and more.

We live in a messed-up world where things are not the way God designed them to be. We hurt others. We’re hurt by others. As a result, we find ourselves in the wake of rejection and brokenness. Hurts trap us in cycles of isolation, low self-worth, and internal struggle. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can know how to satisfy your unmet, God-given longings. You and those you lead can find the path to mental and emotional healing through The Resolution Video Series.

Taught by Ben Bennett, Speaker and Author with Josh McDowell Ministry and leader of The Resolution Movement, this 6-week video series is for everyone: men and women, young and old. You can complete it individually, with a friend, family, or small group.

Each of the six videos run 3 – 5 minutes and include:

  • Teaching from biblical truth, brain science, and personal experience
  • A look into the deeper issues driving common hurts, struggles, and keeping people stuck
  • Practical steps that lead to freedom and healing

The downloadable Study Guide helps you apply the teaching to your life and provides practical next steps in the journey. The companion Leader’s Guide will help you effectively lead others through the series and will set you up with insight and answers to the Study Guide questions.

View trailer  Leader’s Guide sample

View Study Guide  Parental Guide sample